The modern distrust of doctors

The modern wonder about of medical professionals

This distrust permeates all classes of society, and evidences of it are not far to look for. It has been shown in the constitution of the General Medical Council, which, though truly a Committee of the Privy Council, delights in only the most absurdly limited powers.See Original Article Testing times Revalidation struck the headlines in 2012 when the General Medical Council(GMC)presented the process for all licensed/practising physicians. This significance that if a doctor fails to engage with the procedure they can run the risk of losing their licence to practice.See Original Short article Radiologist did compose credit records, medical inquiry told Two final witnesses have given proof at an

Council(GMC)draft privacy file under 'examination. Niall Dickson, chief executive of the General Medical Council, said:’'

This is tough … See Original Post Former Bantry General Health center radiologist guilty of bad professional performance Dawar Siddiqi, who worked as a locum expert radiologist at Bantry General Health center between Might and September 2013, faced the accUSAtion of bad professional performance in the ongoing fitness to practice questions at the Medical Council in Dublin.See Original Short article

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