14:24 14 October 2016 Copy of a letter to the primary officer of the Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Scientific Commissioning Group. We wish to reveal the excellent concerns held by all GP partners at Sid Valley Practice about the proposed closure of beds at Sidmouth Victoria Hospital. This hospital is a crucial resource which assists enable us to deliver the high standard of care to our patients, which we want to preserve in the future. We are the only GP practice in Sidmouth, which is located 15 miles from the nearby intense hospital, with a large proportion of frail and elderly clients in comparison to other areas in the nation. Access to the hospital helps us to manage our clients more effectively, in a setting closer to their homes, at times of acute disease. The medical facility also enab …
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Sidmouth GPs: ‘We’re gravely concerned at threat to hospital beds’
Sidmouth GPs:’We’re gravely concerned at hazard to health center beds’