General Medical Council As the body which manages medical education and training across the UK, we are concerned by what medical professionals are telling us ‘We know that medical staff throughout the UK are doing their utmost to keep requirements of take care of patients, but they are telling us that there is unprecedented need on services and collective action is now had to resolve this. ‘As the body which supervises medical education and training across the UK, we are worried by what medical professionals are telling us. We have no function in identifying how taxpayers’ loan need to be invested in the health service, but we do have a responsibility to ensure hospitals are a safe training environment for doctors and patients, and we will act where we receive firm proof that this is not happening. ‘We would urge …
outcome The British Medical Association (BMA) has revealed the results of its ballot of junior members in England and has verified that it will hold three days of commercial action in December. Niall Dickson, the Chief Executive of the General Medical Council, stated: ‘We are disappointed that it has not yet been possible to solve this disagreement and we hope that both sides will renew their efforts to look for a satisfying outcome. ‘We invite the BMA’s public commitment to minimise the influence on patients– that need to now be everybody’s very first top priority. ‘As we have explained, we anticipate physicians in training who prepare to take part in the BMA’s action to take sensible actions to satisfy themselves that arrangements will remain in location to look after their clients, and to notify their senior collea …
GMC Council appointed A GP and a specialist in geriatric medicine are among four new members to be appointed to the governing body of the General Medical Council (GMC). Professor Anthony Harnden, a GP from England with a scientific and research interest in medical care paediatrics, and Professor Paul Knight, a consultant physician in geriatric medicine at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, will become members of the GMC’s Council on 1 January 2017. They will be signed up with by two new lay members of Council– Amerdeep Somal, Independent Assessor for the Financial Ombudsman Service, and Steve Burnett, a former actuary from Wales with 35 years’ experience in the monetary services sector. Professor Terence Stephenson, the Chair of the General Medical Council, said: ‘I am thrilled to invite Amerdeep, Anthony, Paul and St.
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